California Adopts Digital License Plates

Drivers can now change features like plate color and border

Appropriately for a state that still dominates world technology, Californians now can slap digital license plates on their vehicles. Doing so lets them change the color or border message any time they want. Other features include flipping the plate to say “This Is Stolen,” “Amber Alert” or another emergency message. 

Alerted police also could track the vehicle from a transmitter inside the plate. That should cut down the recent increase in vehicle thefts, up 7.7 percent in 2021 from 2020.

The price from the plate provider, Reviver, will be $19.99 a month for a battery-operated model and $24.95 for a hard-wired plate installed on the vehicle. The plates were authorized by Assembly Bill 984, which was passed with unanimous bipartisan support in August.

California becomes the third state, after Michigan and Arizona, to adopt digital plates. According to Car and Driver, no renewal sticker is needed because the plate automatically renews with the DMV. However, if the renewal doesn’t go through, the plate displays “Invalid” until it’s renewed.

Californians can be expected to show their usual flair for personalized plates in a new and innovative way. 

Picture of Heisler Park Press

Heisler Park Press

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