Code Violations, Heavy Debt Stymie Ruben Flores’ City Council Run

As previously failed council candidate Ruben Flores launches another run to join the city council, voters have the opportunity to look at candidates’ previous history.

Laguna Nursery owner Ruben Flores recently launched another campaign for a seat on the Laguna Beach City Council. Flores previously lost a run for city council in 2020 and now has decided to run again, prompting residents to research the myriad of candidates on the ballot in November.

Looking back to 2017, Flores has faced repeated investigations by the Laguna Beach Code Enforcement for code violations at his nursery – including potted plants being displayed on the public sidewalk, objects blocking access for emergency vehicles to both the nursery property and nearby apartments, and hanging tarps from public trees, which is all highly against city zoning code.

Flores encroached upon the surrounding publicly-owned area, earning him multiple municipal code violations in the process.

The code violations eventually became so bad that the Laguna Beach Code Enforcement began to fine Flores’ landlord up to $500 per day, per violation until the property became compliant.

After Flores’ landlord attempted to have him evicted due to the mess he created, Flores refused to pay rent or leave the premises throughout the eviction process, going against county and state law.

Former Mayor Kelly Boyd said that Flores’ history for not following city rules makes her “concerned” about electing him to the council.

“Mr. Flores should be transparent about his numerous city code violations at his place of business, Laguna Nursery,” Boyd said in an email to the Laguna Beach Independent. “I am very concerned that while Mr. Flores seeks to be on the City Council, he continues to violate city codes! This is not someone I want on the Laguna Beach City Council.”

Picture of Heisler Park Press

Heisler Park Press

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